AstraZeneca-Funded Non-Clinical PhD studentships (2025 intake)
Remit: The aim of this programme is to fund 4year Non-Clinical PhD studentships at the University of Cambridge (UoC) for talented graduates in research areas which align with the strategic interests of AstraZeneca (AZ). The three broad areas of research interests are
- Innovative Technologies and Platforms
- Novel Biological and Chemistry Research
- Science, Data and Technology
Research topics aligning to these three broad areas can be found in the guidance document. Click here
Eligibility and Criteria: Principal Investigators employed by the University of Cambridge and AstraZeneca are eligible to apply in partnership. Individual investigators applying without an AstraZeneca / Cambridge partner must be willing to collaborate with a co-investigator from the partner organisation. The programme management team can assist with the identification of a suitable partner. The form to assist in identifying a suitable partner will be available online from 6th March’24 and should be completed by 24th May’24.
All applications should be submitted as a partnership between identified Principle investigators employed by the UoC and AZ. The University of Cambridge Principal Investigator will be the lead investigator for this studentship should it be awarded. Support for the proposal will be required from the relevant University of Cambridge Head of Department prior to submission.
Submissions must align with one or more of the research themes and are limited to one per Principle Investigator. Projects must be truly collaborative with AZ participation throughout advertisement, recruitment and delivery of the project. PIs who have not had an AZ funded studentship in previous call will be prioritised. Projects need to be advertised via the university jobs and CATS website as AstraZeneca funded projects.
Funding: Each funded studentship covers
Student stipend for 4 years
Combined fees for Home student only for 4 years
Project consumable budget up to £33,000 for 4 years
Travel and subsistence for the student up to £5000 for 4 years
Please note, the AstraZeneca funded non-clinical studentship program covers academic fees for UK/home students only. Any additional funding required for the recruitment of overseas students will not be covered and will have to be met by the University department or other sources.
Application Process:
University of Cambridge PI’s will require a RAVEN account to download the application form and complete the application process. The application will be available on the CATS website from 6th March 2024 to download. Once completed, the form can thereafter be uploaded directly on CATS website. The forms should be fully completed and signed before uploading to CATS website.
Note: The submission form is now closed
Review: Proposals will be reviewed by the Steering Committee which includes representation from AstraZeneca and the University of Cambridge. The Committee will be responsible the annual allocation of studentships based on proposal fit to strategic remit, the enhanced collaborative potential of the proposal, and available budgets.
The deadline for receipt of full proposals is Friday, 21st June 2024. As timelines are quite tight, PIs are strongly encouraged to seek a collaborative partner as soon as possible (and prior to 24th May 2024) so that full submissions can be made to the selection committee by the specified deadline.
Contact details
All proposals should be uploaded on the CATS website. If you have any queries or are unable to download or upload the form, please email the programme team at
Deadline | Activity | Details |
6th March 2024 (Wednesday | Pre-announcement and partnering call opens | PIs from both UoC and AZ can use the online partnering form to enable identification of a suitable partner (if not found already). |
23rd April 2024 (Tuesday) | Call opens | UoC PIs to use the website to get more information and download the application form - access to Raven required. |
24th May 2024 (Friday) | Deadline for seeking a partner | Deadline to submit partnership request. |
21st June 2024 (Friday) | Deadline to submit application | Deadline to submit completed application using the submission link-access to Raven required. |