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Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences


Open To All Scientists Researching New Therapeutics In and Around Cambridge

The purpose of the Cambridge New Therapeutic Forum (CAM NTF) is to promote interactions between scientists from academia & industry in order to improve opportunities for biotechnology research and development. Meeting attendance is free but all attendees must register in advance.

CamNTF was founded in 2015 by Dr David Rees (Astex Pharmaceuticals, CSO) in collaboration with Professor Sir Tom Blundell (University of Cambridge, Sir William Dunn Professor of Biochemistry) and Professor Patrick Maxwell (University of Cambridge, Regius Professor of Physic, Director Cambridge University Health Partners).

The forum was made possible by key scientific sponsors: Professor Michael Wakelam (Babraham Institute, Director), Professor Ewan Birney (EMBL-EBI, Associate Director), Dr Mene Pangalos (AstraZeneca, R&D Director) and Professor Ian Wilkinson (University of Cambridge, Professor of Therapeutics; Director of CUHP’s Office for Translational Research).