Gateway to Translation Webinar Series
Welcome to our Gateway to Translation (G2T) series of webinars. Each month, CATS and Translation Manchester (The University of Manchester) are hosting an online webinar featuring speakers from across the translational sciences landscape. We are showcasing some of the latest upcoming research, technology and development in pharma, medtech and biotech sector outside of Academia. Video recordings of previous talks (but not Q&A sections) are available below. Webinars are free to attend for everybody*, but registration is required. Links for registration will be posted on this website ahead of each event. Please, check regularly for the updates.
*Soon after attending our webinar, you will receive a very short questionnaire regarding your satisfaction with the event. Please send this back to us, your feedback is extremely important in improving our future events!
Upcoming Events:
Medical Devices from Initial Idea to the Developing a Prototype: Practical Considerations
The first G2T webinar of this year will host Mr David Warwick, Director at eg technology Ltd. Eg technology is a consultancy specialising in an integrated product design, engineering and development. This is a second webinar from our miniseries about the development of medical devices. The event will be chaired by Dr Harry Bulstrode, a Group Leader at the University of Cambridge and Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at Addenbrooke's Hospital. As always, everybody is welcome to attend and to ask questions during the Q&A session.
Click here to register: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/g2tgatewaytotranslation/1526779
Previous Events:
Developing your academic research insight into successful medical devices
Webinar hosted Alistair Williamson, from Lucid Innovation. Dr Williamson has more than 30 years of experiences in the development of medical devices – here he has provided an insight and lessons learned through his professional career.
University Spin-Outs: a View from Venture Capital
Date: 27th November 2024
Speaker: Dr Francesco De Rubertis
This G2T webinar hosted Dr Francesco De Rubertis, Co-founder and Partner at Medicxi. Medicxi is a European investment firm focused on the life sciences sector. Everyone joined us to hear how venture capitalists see university spin-outs, and what influences their decision to invest. The webinar was chaired by Dr Terry Parlett, Commercialisation Director and the Deputy Head of Life Sciences at Cambridge Enterprise.
Early Detection of Lung Cancer by Inflammatory Biomarkers in Breath: a Potential Paradigm Shift in Lung Cancer Screening
Date: 29th October 2024
Speaker: Dr Stig Lytke Brejl
This G2T webinar hosted Dr Stig Lytke Brejl, CTO of Exhalation Technology Ltd. Exhalation Technology is a company developing technology for diagnostic use of gaseous samples from human breath. As always, everybody is welcome to attend and to ask questions during the Q&A session. The webinar will be chaired by Dr Sean Knight, Academic Clinical Lecturer and the Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine.
Mapping the Druggable Transcriptome: Lessons Learned from AI - Enabled RNA - Small Molecule Drug Discovery
Date: 24th September 2024
This G2T webinar hosted Dr Rabia Khan, CEO of Serna Bio Ltd. Serna Bio is a Stevenage based biotech company which is building the world's first map of the druggable transcriptome in order to advance the development of RNA based therapeutics. The webinar will be chaired by Prof Anne Willis OBE, MRC Investigator and the Director of the MRC Toxicology Unit.
The Challenges and Pitfalls of Developing a New Digital Health Technology in Collaboration with the NHS
Date: 26th June 2024
Speaker: James Chapman
This G2T webinar hosted James Chapman, Co-founder and Product lead for Decently Ltd. Decently is a digital health tech startup developing new apps to help clinicians make earlier sense of complex patient behaviours through innovative tech, big data and AI.
Taking Organoids to the Next Level: State of Art Organ-on-a-chip Technology
Date: 22nd May 2024
Speaker: Dr Atefeh Mobasseri
This G2T webinar hosted Dr Atefeh Mobasseri, Field Application Scientist at CN Bio Ltd. CN Bio is a Cambridgeshire based company, which specialises in the development and applications of organ-on-a-chip technology. Recent advancements in this area were discussed, along with several examples of practical uses of this technology in industrial settings. Webinar was chaired by Prof Matthias Zilbauer MD PhD, Clinical Professor of Paediatric Gastroenterology at University of Cambridge and a Group Leader in Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.
Discovery of Microbiome-based Therapeutics: A clinic-first Approach in IBD and Immune-oncology Enabled by Precision Microbiome Profiling.
Speaker: Dr Mat Robinson
This G2T webinar was delivered by Dr Mat Robinson, senior vice-president for research at Microbiotica ltd. Microbiotica is a Cambridgeshire based company, which identifies gut bacteria linked to phenotype of diseases in order to discover and develop live bacterial therapeutics and biomarkers from clinical datasets. The name of the talk: “Discovery of microbiome-based therapeutics: A clinic-first approach in IBD and immune-oncology enabled by precision microbiome profiling.” The talk was chaired by Dr Virginia Pedicord, the Group Leader in Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below
High Definition Healthcare Observations - A Paradigm Shift Continuous Monitoring - Wearables - AI/ML
This webinar was delivered by Anthony D. Bashall, and expert on the intersection between Artificial Intelligence (AI), data science, healthcare and diagnostics. Mr Bashall is a Managing Director at Zenzium Ltd., a company focused on applying Deep Learning technology for the management of chronic diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma & Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The event will be chaired by Dr Gareth Kitchen, Clinical Senior Lecturer and consultant Anaesthetist, The University of Manchester.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below
CATS Funding Opportunities Showcasing Event
Date: Wednesday 15 February 2023, 4-5pm
In this Zoom - based event, presenters from Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences (CATS) will showcase various currently open funding calls available for both academics and whole Departments/Institutes affiliated with University of Cambridge to support the translation of basic research into the development of new or repurposed therapeutics, medical devices or diagnostics. Available non-financial support schemes will also be featured.
Considering Regulations While Developing a Medical Device: Never Too Early!
Date: Wednesday 12 October 2022, 4-5pm
This webinar was presented by the Director of Cambridge RA, Ltd., Dr Ben Jacoby. Dr Jacoby is a regulatory consultant with extensive experience in helping academics as well as companies with the development of new medical devices. In this talk, he discussed the practicalities and importance of considering regulatory requirements in the development of new medical devices. The talk was chaired by Prof George Malliaras, Professor of Technology and Translational Champion, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Simulating Cellular Biology to Facilitate Development of Precision Oncology
Date: Wednesday 14 September 2022, 4-5pm
This webinar was presented by Dr Daniel Veres, Chief Scientific Officer and co-Founder of Turbine AI, Ltd. Turbine is a Hungary-based company which employs machine learning to create a biologically accurate cell behaviour model, and use it as a tool for the development of new drugs, particularly aimed for cancer treatment. The talk was chaired by Prof Andreas Bender, professor of Molecular Informatics, University of Cambridge.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Academic Drug Repurposing: Perspectives from Industry and Philanthropy
Date: Wednesday 13 July 2022, 4-5pm
This webinar was presented by Dr Bruce Bloom, Chief Collaboration Officer of Healx Ltd. - a Cambridge based company using Artificial Intelligence to find a cures for rare diseases. Dr Bloom is also a Founder of Cures Within Reach - a public charity focused on repurposing of drugs, devices and other treatments. In his talk, Dr Bloom discussed various aspects of drug repurposing. This webinar was chaired by Dr Tom Oakley, an expert in regulatory affairs and a CATS Industry Expert in Residence (EiR).
Localized Intra-arterial Drug Delivery for Treatment of Solid Tumors
Date: Wednesday 8 June 2022, 4-5pm
Dr Ramtin Agah, co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of RenovoRx, Inc., discussed recent innovations in solid tumor therapy and the implications of targeted therapy options - in particular, opportunities and challenges associated with Company's proprietary trans-arterial microperfusion technology. This webinar was chaired by Prof Kourosh Saeb-Parsy, Professor of Transplantation & Honorary Consultant, Univesity of Cambridge.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Wearable Microfluidic Systems for Personalized Health Management
Date: Wednesday 11 May 2022, 4-5pm
This webinar was presented by Dr Roozbeh Ghaffari, CEO and co-Founder of Epicore Biosystems Inc. Dr Ghaffari is one of leading experts in the field of wearable technologies, being active in both academia and commercial sphere. Dr Ghaffari talked about the contribution of his company to the recent development in wearables. The webinar wwas chaired by Prof Christopher Lowe, Director of CATS and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Protein Interference-based Screening Technology and its Applications
Date: Wednesday 20 April 2022, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr Christian Dillon, Chief Scientific Officer at PhoreMost Ltd discussed protein Interference-based screening and its role in the discovery of Novel E3 ligases for targeted protein degradation.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
NMR Conformational Analysis in Drug Design
Date: Wednesday 9 March 2022, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr Hugh Dannatt, Senior Structural Analyst at C4X Discovery Ltd., discussed the measurement, description and application of solution conformational behaviour in drug design. This webinar was chaired by Dr Steve Andrews, Head of Chemistry at the ALBORADA Drug Discovery Institute.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Human Genetics in Drug Discovery
Date: Wednesday 12 January 2022, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr Humphryes-Kirilov*, Senior Bioinformatician at C4X Discovery Ltd., discussed the advantages and challenges coming with the use of human genetic "big data" in drug discovery. This webinar was chaired by Dr Paul Kirk, a Group Leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit and a member of Cambridge Big Data Initiative.
*This talk was originally planned to be presented by Dr Justyna Kozlowska, Project Leader at C4X Discovery Ltd.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Targeting Systematic Inflammation Through the Gut: from Mouse to Man via Microbe
Date: Wednesday 8 December 2021, 4-5pm
This webinar was presented by Dr Douglas Maslin, Senior Director & Immunology Clinical Lead at Evelo Biosciences. It is well known that gut microbiota can profoundly affect human immune system, with the consequences far beyond intestinal environment. Evelo Biosciences is an US based company developing a new class of oral medicines, which engage the immune system in the intestine in order to modulate systematic inflammation. The talk discussed recent advances in this area. It was chaired by Dr Virginia Pedicord - Group Leader in the Department of Medicine who's research concentrates on interaction of immune system with gut bacteria.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Planting the Seeds of the Future
Date: Wednesday 10 November 2021, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Senior Scientists at Norwich-based Leaf Expression Systems Ltd., Dr Claire Fowler and Dr Albor Dobon, discussed biologics production using a novel plant based expression system.This webinar was chaired by Prof Christopher Lowe, Director of CATS and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Pioneering Oral Gut Targeted Delivery of Fusion Proteins and Antibodies
Date: Wednesday 13 October 2021, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr Vipul Yadav, Director of Research and Product Development at Intract Pharma Ltd, discussed the recent development in oral delivery of biologics. The webinar was chaired by Prof. Laura Itzhaki, Head of the Department of Pharmacology.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
The Role of Regulators in Developing New Medicines
Date: Wednesday 8 September 2021, 4-5pm
After a short summer break, G2T webinars returned in September. Dr Tom Oakley, VP of EU Regulatory at ProPharma Group, discussed the role of regulators in bringing new medicines to patients. The webinar was entitled "Regulators in Drug Development: Friends or Enemies?" and was chaired by Prof. Ian Wilkinson, Professor of Therapeutics and Director of Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Medical Device Classification
Date: Wednesday 14 July 2021, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Ms Tara Fahy, Regulatory Affairs/Quality Consultant at Med-Di-Dia Ltd., Ireland (the Irish subsidiary of Global Regulatory Services Ltd.) talked about how to establish medical device classification through regulatory pathways to achieve successful commercialisation. The event was chaired by our Industry Expert in Residence Dr John Pritchard.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
3D Printing of Medicines for Personalised Treatment & Other Applications
Date: Wednesday 9 June 2021, 4-5pm
Dr Alvaro Goyanes Goyanes, Co-founder and Director of Development from London-based start-up FabRx Ltd., talked about the 3D printing of medicines - an emerging technology with interesting implications not only for prototyping of drugs and drug/excipients combinations, but also for the treatment of rare diseases and for personalised medicine. This event was chaired by Dr Ronan Daly, Senior Lecturer in Science and Technology of Manufacturing and Head of the Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing Research Group at Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
PROTACs in Drug Discovery
Date: Wednesday 12 May 2021, 4-5pm
Two scientists from Selvita, Dr Anna Karawajczyk (Head of Computational Chemistry) and Dr Tom Coulter (Integrated Drug Discovery Director), discussed the design of PROTACs in the Drug Discovery Process, from a medicinal chemistry and from a computational chemistry perspective. This event was chaired by Dr Catherine Lindon, Group Leader in Department of Pharmacology and Molecules & Cells Theme Lead in School of Biological Sciences.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Translating RNA Biology to Therapies
Date: Wednesday 14 April 2021, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr Stuart Peltz, CEO of PTC Therapeutics Inc. discussed the development of therapeutics based on RNA biology, especially in relation to the treatment of rare diseases. The webinar was chaired by Prof Anne Willis OBE, co-director of CATS and the Director of the MRC Toxicology Unit.
Hitting the Right Starting Points for Drug Discovery Program: Biophysical Screening Methods
Date: Wednesday 10 March 2021, 4-5pm
In this webinar, assay experts from Domainex (Cambridge, UK) - Dr Jana Wolf (Team Leader), Dr Alec O'Keeffe (Scientist) and Dr Catherine Stace (Director of Business Development) described state-of-the-art biophysical screening technologies and discussed how the various features and benefits compare when choosing an appropriate platform. This webinar was chaired by our new Industry Expert in Residence: Dr Trevor Perrior.
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Evaluating the Utility of Machine Learning and AI in Antibiotic Drug Discovery
Date: Wednesday 13 January 2021, 4-5pm
Prof Finn, CEO of Oxford Drug Design (Originally InhibOx - spin out from the University of Oxford), as well as Founder of Affinity Drug Design Ltd. discussed the use of machine learning and AI in drug discovery process. This event was chaired by Professor Andres Floto, Co-director of the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine (CCAIM).
You can watch a recording of the seminar below.
Beyond Screening: CRISPR as a Validation Tool
Date: Wednesday 9 December 2020, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr Paul Russell (Senior Scientist at Horizon Discovery Ltd.) discussed the role of CRISPR in Target Validation.
You can watch a recording of the webinar below.
Human Tissue in Drug Discovery: Scientific, Technical & Regulatory Perspective
Date: Wednesday 11 November 2020, 4-5pm
In this webinar, Dr David Bunton discussed the role and potential of using human tissue in drug discovery process. Dr Bunton is CEO of Reprocell Europe Ltd., Founder and former CEO of Biopta Inc., as well as Chairman of the Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre.
You can watch a recording of the webinar below.
Cancer Beware: How to apply high throughput cell panel screening to advancing drug development
Date: Wednesday 14 October, 4-5pm
In this seminar, Dr David Sorrell, Manager of Horizon Discovery Ltd., discussed high throughput cell panel screening and how to apply this technology to advancing drug development.
You can watch a recording of the webinar below.
Discovering new drugs – what you should know when translating early research
Date: Wednesday 9 September, 4pm-5pm
In this talk of the Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences' (CATS) Gateway to Translation (G2T) series of webinars and online events, Dr Andy Merritt, Associate Director and Head of Chemistry at LifeArc, delivered the webinar about the process of discovering new medicines.
You can watch a recording of the webinar below.
Experience in Entrepreneurship
Date: Wednesday 12 August, 2020 4pm-5pm
CATS Expert in Residence (EiR) Adrian Alexa discussed his experience in entrepreneurship within the field of genomic and health data. Adrian’s area of expertise lies in data science, bioinformatics and software development. More information about our Expert in Residence programme can also be found here.
You can watch a recording of the webinar below.